Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Rock Stars Julie Richey and Lynne Chinn

Julie Richey and Lynne Chinn are rock stars in the truest sense. They recently collaborated on a kitchen project for a client. Julie designed this incredible backsplash based on the clients' love of the Lascaux caves in France. In it she used marble (including some Mosaic Rocks marble) and a tiny bit of eco smalti.

Lynne designed these pieces based on images from New Grange, Ireland. Julie cut the stone opus sectile style on her DL 5000; Lynne inlaid the Bisazza.

Halfway through the longest horizontal piece, Julies DL motor fried and she had to finish it with her hammer and hardie! She said she actually like that part a lot more than if it had been opus sectile.

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