Friday, June 1, 2007

Mosaic Exhibition


New England mosaic artists are invited to submit an application for exhibiting their work in an all-mosaic exhibition to be held at the Somerville Museum (Massachusetts), September 6 through October 6, 2007. This exhibition is a first for the Boston area and offers an extraordinary opportunity to expand the understanding and appreciation of contemporary mosaic art in the northeast.

This is an open call for mosaic artists living in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. There is a $30 submission fee and a 20% commission for the Somerville Museum collected on sold artwork.

The Prospectus and Submission Form can be found at:

Submission Deadline: June 30, 2007

Please help us spread the word by forwarding this Call for Mosaic Artists to your fellow mosaic artists who live in New England.

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