Sunday, October 7, 2007

An Unexpected Surprise

Last night, Margaret Ryan and I were given recognition by the Massachusetts House of Representatives for our work on the Art of Mosaic exhibition. We had a closing party for the artists and friends of the museum in which Denise Provost, the Somerville state representative, presented us with this honor.
Here's the text of my citation:

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
The House of Representatives

Be it hereby known to all that:
The Massachusetts House of Representatives
offers its sincerest congratulations to:

Bill Buckingham
in recognition of

Your outstanding contribution to the City of Somerville through your role as curator of the Art of Mosaic exhibit at the Somerville Muesum. Your efforts to publicize this beautiful exhibit and to involve students and members of the community were extraordinary. Your community joins me in expressing our most sincere appreciation for your contributions to our great city.

The entire membership extends its very best wishes
and expresses the hope for future good fortune
and continued success in all endeavors.

Give this 6th day of October, 2007
at the State House, Boston, Massachusetts

by: Salvatore F. DiMasi
Speaker of the House

Offered by: Denise Provost
State Representative

Here we are (left to right):
Bill Buckingham, Margaret Ryan,
Evelyn Battinelli (director of the Somerville Museum), and
Denise Provost (State Representative)


Anonymous said...

Dear Bill,
Désolé, mon anglais n'est pas assez bon pour que puisse m'exprimer dans votre langue.
Je profite de cette occasion pour vous exprimer toutes mes félicitations pour cette reconnaissance méritée de votre travail et de votre implication à la promotion de cet art trop méconnu.
Cette distinction qui vous honore aujourd'hui, rejaillit aussi indirectement sur tous ceux qui pratiquent cette discipline artistique.
Bravo pour tous les efforts que vous déployez au quotidien.

Anonymous said...


Congratulations! Your hard work, your dedication to the art of mosaics, and your generous attention to mosaic artists of all levels of accomplishment are fully deserving of this honor. Thank you for everything, and I am delighted that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has given you and Ms. Ryan this recognition.

Jennifer Blakebrough-Raeburn

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you Bill, and Margaret! How wonderful to receive recognition for your efforts. And kudos to the Somerville Museum and the State for giving the art of mosaic the attention it deserves. Bravo!!!

Anonymous said...

you have been so involved in mosaic art promotion.
c'est une juste reconnaissance de vos travaux et de votre passion.
all the best.
Richard FREY