The Art of Mosaic - Somerville Museum
Somerville, Massachusetts
September 6 - October 6, 2007
Our "to-do" list is getting shorter and shorter. The museum looks great, the mosaics look great, and we're ready to open the doors on Thursday.
If you are in the Boston area, come see this exhibition which features 51 New England mosaic artists. (Who would've thought there were that many of us in New England?) The website for the exhibition is: This includes an Events Calendar as well as directions to get to the museum.
We also published a catalog with 64 full color photographs of the mosaics. It's only $6.95 (including shipping) and can be purchased on the
Mosaic Rocks website. (Catalogs can be purchased at the Museum as well.)
Here's a sneak peek of the exhibition. Enjoy.