But it was a lot of work and the sales were far and few between. So we pretty much gave up doing the show circuit ... except for one show. We've done this for 4 years now - this will be our 5th. It's held in Provincetown - at the tip of Cape Cod - the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving. We've always done well at the show, making enough to pay for a few night's stay in a B&B and a couple of great dinners with a nice bottle of wine. This time of year is great to be in Provincetown. The chaos of the summer is over and the town is settling in for a quiet winter.
So the problem is - what do we bring? The crowd that comes to a show like this is looking to buy holiday presents. Something nice but not too expensive. We still have a lot of smaller pieces from the days we did shows - mostly trivets - but nothing which includes our marble and rocks.
So we've been making a few things to bring to the show and it's been fun doing some non-serious pieces. Here are four mirrors.

This one uses one of those inexpensive Ikea frames. The inner ring of stones are pictured rocks. Moving outward - honey calcite, St Laurent marble, and Palace Onyx.
This one also uses an Ikea frame. The inner stones are white howlite, followed by blue calcite, brecia sarda and cararra marble, and a border of pure white tiles.
This one I like. It looks better in real life than the photo. The inner circle is a combination of Orsoni mosaic gold with Cararra marble. The outer circle is Cafe Pinta and Gray Black marble. The red square is Mosaic Gold and the inner fill is Pure Black marble.